Colon Cleanser

7 day colon cleanser, colon health, colon cleanser, colonic irrigation, cleanser colon,

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Dual Action Colon Cleanser: Excess Transit Time Causes Constipation

Pay Attention to The Fuel You Eat

However if you are not sure you need to put some attention to this matter. If you ingest junk food while in this situation, it may become worse. However if the number of harmonious bacteria is decreased the immune system is compromised. In addition the dual action cleanse colon-cleansing system can also aid healthy patients. There are many reasons why people choose to cleanse bowels.

A constipated colon holds undigested food components toxins and bacteria which when not expelled regularly remain in the colon. The truth is anyone who has ever cleansed our way rarely has anything bad to say about it. The fact is that many patients are reluctant to get screened. How could a colon cleanser keep your colon clean? Of course cleansing should be accomplished by eating natural foods like fruits and vegetables.

Want To Learn More About How Colon Cleansing Can Help You Diet And Health
Head To Dual Action Colon Cleanser

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Colon Cleansing: Improve your Health with a Colon Cleanse by Jim McDonald

The stool can pass daily through a dirty colon and leave the accumulated residue on the walls behind. There is no need to get panicky about the amount of weighty colon sludge you might be carrying around with you: there is a great deal you can do about it. A colon purify is simply the act of cleaning the colon of this built-up fecal material. There are many ways to flush the Colon of the unwanted compacted fecal material. Some are very basic, some necessitate extremely intrusive and comfortless measures, and some require the consumption of various plant or mineral remedies.

The most Common Colon Flushing methods: So now we know that colon purging has some very essential and distinct benefits. Not only does it flush the digestive system of unwanted toxins, but it allows the colon to once again be most effective in absorbing all the desirable nutrients out of the foods we consume. But how do we do it? How do we flush the colon? Simple, there are 5 very common methods and we will look at each one individually. They are: diet, colonic irrigation, laxatives, herbal remedies and Oxygen-based cleansers.

1. Modifying your Diet: No mass which technique you use to clean your colon, you should definitely take a look at your dietary habits. Altering your diet is the simplest way to aid correct functionality of the Colon. Adding fiber to the diet is of paramount importance. This can be in the form of bran, psyllium seed husks, prunes, and many other natural foods. It is sensible, if you have problems with constipation anyway, to eat a fiber rich diet. Fiber alone, however, will not give you a whole colon purging experience. Still, it makes sense to eat more fiber rich fresh fruit, vegetables, and whole grains, and less junk food.... and start to consume more water. Water is important to keeping your colon in tip-top shape.

2. Enemas and Hydrotherapy: Enemas and hydrotherapy command the insertion of an apparatus into the anus and water being forced into the colon to aid liquefy some of the fecal material in the lower end of the colon. Colon Hydrotherapy differs in that is uses more water than an Enema and should always be administered by a professional healthcare worker. There are some DIY Enema kits available, but truth be known, both are discomforting, intrusive and can be very embarrassing.

3. Herbal Remedies: The majority of Herbal Remedies use herbs such as psyllium husk to act like a sponge as it works it's way through the bowel. The husk swells when it comes into contact with water and ordinarily results in an unloading of the bowel, but there is no substantial evidence to foster that it effectively dissolves any of the compacted mass resting in the colon. Herbal remedies merely scrape away or sponge up some fecal mass, but don't actually work to dissolve or explode the compacted substance that is the root cause of most colon-related ailments.

4. Laxatives: A laxative can be an excellent master plan for temporarily relieving bowel congestion and improving regularity in your bowel movements, but as for blasting away the compacted fecal matter that is the root cause of most colon conditions, well, a laxative doesn't assist much.

5. Oxygen-based Cleansers: Oxygen-based colon cleansers are arguably the only way to properly melt away that compacted matter that is the root cause of most colonic afflictions . They do it through an oxidation reduction reaction. They classically use specialized ozonated magnesium oxides to lessen the solid toxic substance into a liquid or gas form. It works in the complete system, not just the large intestine as the other forms of constipation treatments. It cleans the whole intestinal tract and delivers much vital oxygen along the way--all without the side effects of laxatives and uncomfortableness of enemas and hydrotherapy. The best option for dealing with constipation and the other afflictions of an impacted bowel is to use an oxygen based colon purging product.

Feeling sluggish, tired, depressed and bloated can all stem from an healthless colon. You could have anywhere up to 40lbs of fecal substance in your digestive system at any given point of time. Of this, 5-20lbs could be compacted, and this could be the cause of your body not being able to absorb the nutrients out of the foods you consume. It can also be the source of toxins entering your bloodstream. A beneficial colon clean out will decrease and flush this compacted fecal material out of your colon, and leave your digestive system in a much healthier and active state. Using an all natural oxygen-based cleanser (like OxyPowder) in conjunction with a good diet and lifestyle is the simplest and easiest way to refine your colon and keep you in useful shape.

About the Author

For further information about colon cleanse products, visit where you can find a colon cleansing product which best suits your needs.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Natural Colon Cleanser

The fact is although the colon is meant to be dirty some peoples colons are too dirty and full of toxins. A cleanse can eliminate toxins from the body improved wellness and more energy. There are many issues associated with enemas that can actually create more problems that they solve. In addition since these parasites will build up for years with out any symptoms in an extreme colon.

Learn more about Natural Colon Cleansers and health

Monday, November 06, 2006

The Almighty Colon Cleansing for Skin Irritations

Well If You Are Anything like me... Who Seems to be allergic to everything under the sun, you will look forward to a detoxification now and then to get rid of nastey toxins and help you skin and body heal.

Well I am specifically illergic to Gluten and Dairy, But For many of you Who have irritations such as acne, rashes, bloating, bags under your eyes... and so many other elements, a Cleaning of the colon could really help!

I have done a few detoxes in my life... mainly after my university years, to rid myself of months of alcohole drinking... the student way. But I have also found many health benifits to colon cleansing and detox for my asthma, ecezma and skin irritations!

Colon Cleansing Can also be great for starting off a weight loss program and getting healthier bowel movements. Thats right the almighty colon cleanser Really can help!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Colon Cleansing for Better Health

When it comes to colon cleansing, you no it can improve you health, and improve so many bodily functions for you.

We never realise it but Our colon plays a crucial role in our digestive system, helping to get rid of all the waste, and we need to make sure like a car, we give it a good clean out and change the oil so to speak.

heres a great book on colon health i recommend you take a look at
Click Here!

Monday, October 16, 2006

7 Day Colon Cleanser

Hi And Welcome to My Colon Cleansing Blog...

I Know it really may not sound like the most exciting of topics!
But colon health is really important, and buy looking after your colon
you can help your body out for years to come!

Keep in touch... I should be Posting later in the Week on 7 Day Colon Cleanser

Until then
